Counseling for Executives & Professionals

While it's hard to admit, there are times when leaders need guidance

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Uprooting Anger is a guide to help you manage anger and work toward uprooting it and its related destructive emotions. Learn more here.

Are you overwhelmed by the complexities of successfully managing a career, marriage, finances and family?

Is your family suffering from the negative effects of your professional life?

Are you feeling chronically over-stressed?

Are you stuck with no tools or direction for change?

We offer Solutions That Produce Results

Execs’ jobs can hurt their health

As chief executive of the rent-to-own furniture company Aaron’s, Robin Loudermilk had to juggle demanding shareholders, growth plans that would add 1,000 North American stores and the beginning of a European expansion. Read full article >>

Increasingly, professionals are seeking counseling for both issues related to their work and their personal lives.

Through consultation, psychotherapy, counseling, guidance & support for senior executives and professionals, we provide services to help with:

If you have a strong desire to become a more effective leader, father or mother, wife or husband, then we can help you to achieve your objectives.

Get help and create change now!

If you're ready to get started and get some relief, start your path towards
change by giving me a call...or to schedule a FREE consultation.